If you are looking for a water softener salt system than you probably have a hard water problem.
What is a hard water problem?
It’s when your water is referred to as hard because of the minerals in it. The two common ones are calcium and magnesium which dissolve in the water and make it “harder” over time. This often happens in rural areas because as the rainwater passes through the rivers and stream it slowly absorbs calcium and magnesium. While it is called hard water it is still drinkable. It has all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and no difference in terms of side effects over regular tap water for most people as long as the softening needed is not too strong because the harder your hard water problem the higher the concentration of sodium will be in your drinking water. If you want to use one of the many different water softener systems based on salt make sure to read our information on the different softener salt‘s and their advantages. Depending on how strong your softener system is, it could be potentially hazardous to your health if you drink it. When you are doing a water softener comparison to determine what you need for your specific hard water problem keep that in mind! If this might be an issue for you it might be preferable to try a saltless water softener or an electronic water softener. A model such as a kinetico water softener that you use along with potassium chloride instead of the regular salt will also work well. Kinetico water softeners also use the “free” kinetic energy from the water that passes through so you don’t have to use electricity for it. The catch? They are of course more expensive than most water softener systems which have been used for decades and sport a much lower price tag. We have information on tips you should keep in mind when looking for water softener reviews.
If it’s not harmful to me why should I worry about hard water?
Because it will damage your plumbing, hot water tank, clothes and basically anything that comes in contact with the water. It will also make things such as soap and detergent not dissolve as easily which can clog up your pipes. If you mainly want to soften your water for cleaning your clothes or washing the dishes and you do not want to spend a few hundred dollars for a water softening system than you might want to opt for a calgon water softener which is rather inexpensive (a bottle can be had for as little as $10) and is basically mixed with your detergent when you wash. The calgon water softener provides one of the least expensive of all hard water solutions and if your water is not too hard and only lightly affects your plumbing this might be a good solution for you.
Their are a couple different ways to solve this problem that can vary depending on the amount you need filtered, residence versus major plant, A practical solution to this is to get a water softener salt which is used with a water softener system.
source : -Water softener salt.net-